Author Archives: Liza


My new year’s resolution is to read more poetry. I read the corniest article in a library journal about reading poems every day at breakfast, instead of the newspaper, to wake your brain up – and something about that idea stuck. Obviously, I am going to start with Wendell Berry but I am looking for other suggestions. I was an English major but I always avoided poetry at all costs. Who is your favorite poet? Where should I begin?

I have a long blog entry idea floating around in my brain. Hopefully I’ll make some time for writing it tomorrow.


Filed under Liza

Where to go from here…

Well, folks- just an update on the blog. As I continue to go through reverse culture shock (and the lesser known reverse-tent-living shock) and beyond, I plan on still posting here. About pretty much whatever I feel like. Not sure about Mike, but you can count on me for continued semi-purposeful ramblings about life, if you choose to continue reading.

The amount of posts will be directly in relation to my hearing about a job next week. Unemployment = lots and lots of blog posts. So keep your fingers crossed (for me to get the job, preferably).


Filed under Liza

Proof that I am not where I was a week ago

One week ago: I used a small, quick-dry, packable towel for showering. Showers involved cold water from an overhead tank or a bucket. If I wanted to clean my towel, I hand washed it, also in a bucket. Castile soap was the only hygiene product present. For washing my hair, clothes, dirty dishes, etc…

Today: Hot water shower. Clean clothes. Actual shampoo, intended for hair, AND conditioner. Lotion, because it is extremely dry. And a huge, fluffy towel, freshly clean because my mom just washed it, unbeknownst to me.

Life is different.


Filed under Liza


Oh man. I am back. It is cold and snowing and I am about to drive to western Mass because I have a job interview tomorrow morning. I am already used to having a cell phone again. There has been some family drama, reminding me immediately that the world did not stop while I was in Mexico. I am somewhat overwhelmed with it all but I am happy to be back. Sad to leave and happy to be back, simultaneously. It’s weird how that is possible.

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Filed under Liza

It’s the final countdown….boo doo dooooooo do

Our time here is quickly coming to an end, unfortunately. Our last two weeks in Mexico are extremely different – we are living on a different farm, in a different tent. The folks we are staying with at BioSana are teaching a permaculture course at a local farm and Mike is taking the course. I am not taking it, but I am helping Shenaqua cook for the course (she is an AMAZING cook). It is my first time cooking for a large group of people and shiiiiiiiit it is hard. I am learning a lot (especially about spices….Shenaqua is a genius) but am exhausted at the end of every day.

Tomorrow, a woman from town is coming in and I will get to learn how to make tortillas and mole sauce from scratch. Oh man. It will definitely be worth it, even if I end up going to bed at seven o’clock.

I will be sad to leave but I won’t mind going back to being a librarian, rather than a sous chef. 🙂

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