Monthly Archives: October 2010

What time is it? Churro time.

I was going to write a nice post about the local wildlife, but I forgot the cord for the camera on this trip (we are in Todos Santos btw) so pictures of this trip plus some wildlife shots will be posted at a later date.

Until then, I will tell you about Churros. Basically a Churro is the Mexican version of the Donut. Think a crispy stick of fried dough rolled in cinnamon and sugar served warm. Yum. Not only delicious, the Churro serves a second, and maybe more fulfilling role in my diet. That is the role of street food. I think I am genetically pre-dispositioned to love street food (I say genetic, because my father also falls in this category). Anyway, since I stopped eating meat (three years now) the variety of street foods I can enjoy have dwindled to a meager few. Mexico is no exception. In the short time we have spent in urban areas, I have noticed the late night food is mainly meat, often in taco form. Where we are tonight, we saw multiple hot dog stands. Despite stuffing myself with “Chile Rellenos” for dinner AND being a vegetarian, I still had that deep (genetic? Deeper?) impulse to eat a hot dog. My saving grace was a small bag of Churros.

Thank you deep fried street food, we shall see how I feel about you tomorrow…

Me gusta churros.

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What we do in our free time

Just so you guys don’t think it’s all work and no play down here on Baja, I thought I’d share with you what we do most evenings.

In our tiny, tiny town (40 families) of El Chorro (Google Map it, yo!), there is a naturally occurring hot spring. The Mexican government made it a public space as part of development project in the 1940s, and it has been heavily used by locals and adventurous tourists for the past 70 years.

There is a large concrete dam which creates two nearly olympic sized pools for swimming. There are also three hot tubs, fed directly from the hot springs. One is super-hot and big enough for only one person. One is a two person tub, slightly less hot. The third we still haven’t seen (the rainy season has raised the water level so high it is now covered) but we’re told it is the best – just right in terms of temperature and big enough for five or six people. This one is also allegedly made out of stone, rather than concrete, like the others.

On Sundays the place is packed with families and groups of teenaged friends but most nights during the week it is just us and one or two other folks. The occasional camping gringo, who never stay more than one night. Oh, and the view. The mountain range is right there, usually with the sun just beginning to set behind it. It is insanely beautiful. We’ll get pictures up someday, I promise.

So each night around 5 or 6, we head with our dinner over to the hot springs. First we splash around in the pool (and sometimes bathe – it can be more pleasant than the cold shower on the ranch) and then move to one of the tubs to soak, reflect on the day, and, more often than not, talk about the millions of things we plan on doing the next day.

Once we eat dinner, we’re usually done for. Hot water, clean bodies, and full stomachs make a strong argument for sleep. And without electricity on our land, 9 pm seems like a reasonable bedtime, hahaha.

On an entirely unrelated note, I find that I am struggling with the computer these days. I was such a computer (specifically, internet) addict prior to this experience – I checked facebook multiple times a day and wrote blog posts from my iphone – but the longer I am here, the less inclined I am to use it. Not because I know this is the only time in my life when I won’t have to (although that is true), but because it is literally the only thing here that causes me stress. Nothing like a slow internet connection and not being able to express what I mean in an email to frustrate me! So sorry if emails are delayed and blog posts have slowed. I am alive – just taking a small break from the pressures of the screen.


Filed under Liza

Happy Birthday Pop!

In 1949 my pops was born. Today is his birthday. Happy Birthday pop, hope you are having a great day!

Pop circa early 80s.

Geeking out in Puerto Rico, 2008.

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Fording the river…

Or our street as it were.

This is an ‘old’ (seems forever ago) photograph from our first day. Our home BioSana is down a dirt road that runs adjacent to a arroyo (seasonally running canyon). About a quarter mile from the front gate there is a particularly narrow portion of the arroyo (the water moves faster, cuts deeper). We arrived after a heavy rain, and all the water from the mountains was making the arroyo run at a decent clip.

So, we arrived to find the road cut, and the ‘Star Wagon’ (our beautiful Ford Windstar) could not make it across, lest she sink. We portaged the equipment across by hand, and transported to the Jeep which was park on the property. Wisely, we decided to bring all the dry goods over first, which turned out to be a great decision as it poured down on us during the final unload.

It was quite a introduction to our new home, and to the power of rain/erosion.

Oh, and don’t worry, there is another way around so we are not cut off.

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